Temple Baptist Church

I'm New

Visiting any church for the very first time can be overwhelming. At Temple Baptist Church, we'll do our best to make you feel at home.
The information below will help you as you plan your first visit. Give us a call or use the button below to send us a message if you have any questions or simply want to let us know you'll be visiting.

Have Questions?

Scroll down to view the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Need Directions?

Click here for a map to Temple Baptist Church in Richland, Washington.

Service Schedule

Plan to arrive about 10 minutes before the service begins to have time to get comfortable. Hover or tap to view our schedule of services.

Service Schedule

Sunday School.............10:00 am
Morning Worship........11:00 am

Evening Service.............5:00 pm

Master Clubs..............6:45 pm
Junior High..................7:00 pm
High School..................7:00 pm
College and Career.......7:00 pm

Adult Study & Prayer...7:00 pm

Need Assistance?

Ushers and greeters are available in the Church Lobby. Hearing-assisted devices are available for those with hearing difficulties. Ask an usher for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

We've collected the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions to help you feel comfortable and prepared to visit Temple Baptist Church.  


Sunday School for all ages........10:00 am

Sunday Morning Service...........11:00 am

Sunday Evening Service.............5:00 pm

Wednesday Evening

Master Clubs...............................6:45 pm

Bible Study/Prayer Meeting.......7:00 pm

Our worship services are designed to glorify God and encourage believers. You are welcome to join our congregation as we sing great hymns of the faith and familiar choruses.

Special music ensembles and soloists help us prepare our hearts for the message.

Because we believe the most important part of our service is the preaching of God's Word, our pastor and other guest speakers will share truths from the Bible that are applicable to your everyday life and will encourage your spiritual growth.

We want you to feel welcome and comfortable here at Temple Baptist Church. Most of our church family dress up for our services, but feel free to wear what's comfortable for you.

Accessible parking is available in the front of the church for all church services. Parking in the rear of the church is also available.

Temple Baptist’s children’s ministries include the nursery and children’s church which are available in the East Wing of the church.

Junior high, high school, as well as college and career students meet in the West Wing of the church for Sunday School.

Our adult ministry has three adult Bible study classes. These classes vary in size and emphasis but all provide enjoyable and challenging opportunity for growth. You're welcome to try different classes to find one that fits your needs.

Wheelchair Access

Temple Baptist Church is fully wheelchair accessible. All restrooms are also handicap accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available in front of the church. Reserved parking for Senior Saints can also be found in the front of the church.

One two-lane covered entrance is available at the front of the church. This area is a safe, convenient drop-off zone for families, seniors, and those with special needs.
Hearing Assistance

Hearing-assistance devices are available. Stop by the sound booth in the rear of the church sanctuary or talk to one of the ushers.

You can contact us by calling 509.627.4844 or e-mailing templebaptistchurch@frontier.com.

You can also submit the form on our contact page.


Temple Baptist Church - A Place to Call Home